How do I cite Readable?
You may wish to cite Readable as an academic source. For illustration purposes, let's assume you're using the Harvard Referencing System. A link to a website in your bibliography should include: The author and publishing year The title of the web page The date you retrieved the information A link to the website You will also likely have in-text references throughout your paper. These include the author's surname and the year of publication, e.g. (Chomsky, 1981). If you're referenciFew readersWhy is the scoring for my Word file or PDF different to when I paste text in?
We get a lot of questions about PDF and Word document scoring, and there are a few reasons for that. PDFs and Word documents are not all created in exactly the same way, and this can make it difficult for any piece of software to really understand them. For each document we process, we convert it to plain text through a series of filters designed to improve the underlying structure of a PDF or Word document. This process improves the scores of the majority of documents, but not all. We alwaysFew readersHow many adverbs is too many?
First and foremost, the use of adverbs is a notoriously contentious issue. For example, was the adverb 'notoriously' I used in that first sentence necessary or ornamental? Adverbs are not only words that end in 'ly' - they can also be temporal adverbs, such as 'always' and 'never'. They are also often used for emphasis to indicate the degree of something. A way this is sometimes overused is with the adverb 'very'. Several writers hate this particular adverb - N.H. Kleinbaum called it "lazyFew readersIs my copyright affected by uploading or scoring text?
We make no claim to any uploaded content or data. You retain all of your rights to your content. Our only involvement is to give your content a readability score and suggest improvements. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.Few readersWhat do you do with uploaded text?
Hover on 'readability tools' Select 'score text files (word, pdf)' Go to files to score → choose files Upload your file Click on 'score file' You will see this message: 'Your file file name here has been uploaded and has been added to the queue for processing' In a few moments, you'll be sent an email notifying you it's ready. Click on the link in the email You will then be able to view the results of your file. You can edit your file and improve the text's reFew readersHow protected is my copyrighted work?
Every piece of content - text, URLs, websites and uploaded files - is processed through our secure and dedicated servers. The only person that has access to the text is yourself. If you have a CommercePro or AgencyPro account with multiple users, content is not shared. However, we are adding a content collaboration feature very soon. We store your content on our servers in various ways, depending on how you use ReadablePro.Few readersWhat happens when I edit and save my file?
The file upload tool saves the original version of your file so that you can keep your original text and readability analysis for reference. You can edit your text and watch your readability score improve with our real-time scoring and highlighting. When it comes to saving your edited version, this is saved as a new text. You can find the new version in text tools → load saved text.Few readersHow do I make changes to my text?
If you're using the score a text feature: Type or paste your text in the box to find out its readability scores Click 'save' and name your document to easily return to it Hover over the differently coloured highlights to see what they mean Try to fix each issue we've pointed you to in order to improve your readability grade If you've graded a file or a URL: Open the file or URL for editing Follow the steps above If you have any other questions about how to improveFew readersWhat is a project?
A project is an individual website domain that is being scored by ReadablePro. Such as ‘’ or ‘’. ReadablePro scans an entire website before giving it an overall readability score. You can then go into the project to see how individual pages have been scored and what needs to be improved. Please note that we no longer refer to websites as "projects", and are in the process of updating our content to reflect this change.Few readersWhat readability grade should I aim for?
When thinking about the readability of your copy, think first about who will be reading it. You want to ensure as many people in your target audience can understand it. A science paper will have a higher reading age than a government website. However, they both have one thing in common. The more readable and accessible you make the copy, the more people are able to digest it. Further reading: The Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level ( readersHow do I bulk process URLs?
We have a bulk URL processing feature, which is a useful and quick way to analyze a batch of URLs for readability. Go to readability tools → bulk score URLs. You'll then be prompted to upload a CSV file. In order to score URLs in bulk, you will need to create a CSV file of your URLs. Not sure what a CSV is? Here's an introduction to CSVs. You should have one URL per row, in the first column, and nothing else in the CSV. When you've creaFew readersHow does Readable work?
Readable works by analysing your content for readability, tone and style. It identifies key areas of your content that need improvement. It also gives you editing suggestions. This take the guesswork out of content editing and allows you to methodically improve your text. Firstly, we have our Text tool. You can copy and paste text into the tool. We'll analyse your readability, style and language. Readability issues are highlighted for you. Scores are updated inFew readersHow much can I score?
The amount of text, websites or files you can score depends on your subscription. To compare plans and features, head on over to our premium page. Should you wish to change your subscription, you can do this at any time - How do I change my subscription?.Few readersWhat is 'reach'?
The reach metric shows you the percentage of your addressable audience which your content is easily readable for. At the moment, this addressable audience is set to the general public by default, but we plan to make more specifications available in the future. It's a quick and easy visual statistic which gives you a straightforward percentage of how well you're reaching your readers. It looks like this: ( readersIs ReadablePro available offline?
ReadablePro is an online web based tool and not available offline.Few readersHow do I score a file?
You should see the following tool bar at the top of your screen: To score a file, go to File Tools → Score Text Files. You'll then arrive at a page titled 'Score a New File'. You can either drag a file from your directory to the 'choose files' button or you can click on 'choose files' and find your file within the upload popup. Click 'score file' and ReadablePro wFew readersWho has access to my personal data?
Only members of the team have access to your personal data, and only as necessary to fulfil our obligations to you. In accordance with our privacy statement and terms and conditions, we do not give third parties access to our customers' personal data. We have not and will never sell our customers data.Few readersWhy do results differ between URL and text analysis?
Results vary between URL and text analysis as the two score different elements. Text analysis looks purely at the copy you have entered into the text window. URL analysis looks at the majority of copy on a page and scores for readability of the whole page. We don’t score elements of the page that are obviously not related to the pages main topic. Such as the navigation bar and footer.Few readersHow do I access my subscription once I've signed up?
Occasionally, your browser may store the demo page and stick on the timeout you saw before you subscribed. To resolve this, please log out of your account, clear your cookies and log in again. You should then be able to access all the great features included in your subscription. If you're still having access issues after you've tried clearing your cookies, please don't hesitate to get in touch.Few readersHow does ReadablePro compare to Word?
ReadablePro and MS Word are two very different tools. Word is dedicated word processor. ReadablePro is the worlds first readability scoring app for content writers and producers. ReadblePro will: handle a number of variables differently to Word in order to give a more accurate readability score. Such as: syllable count the content of your headers the content of your footers produce a readability score that is based on the most effective readFew readersHow do I mass delete my files?
On your 'previous files' page you'll see a tickbox at the top of your list of files. Tick this to select all and then deselect any you don't want to delete. At the bottom of the page, there is a dropdown 'select action' menu. Select delete, then submit.Few readersHow do I transfer admin to another user?
Transferring admin is really simple. Simply do the following: Go to Account → Security Change your email address Update profile The owner of this email address will then be sent a verification link to confirm this change. They can then sign in with the existing password but can change it any time. Then, to add you as a user, they will need to do the following: Go to Account → Your Subscription Click on 'Manage Users' Input your email address to add you as a userFew readersI pasted text in and it told me I had too many words. How do I score it?
We love that anyone can score their content with and will endeavour to keep our service free for all small volume users. For those who wish to score over 2,000 words per month, ReadablePro is ideal for you - starting at only $6 per month.Few readersHow do I load saved text?
You can access your saved text as follows: Click on Text Click on Load in the toolbar above the input area Click on Load next to the specific saved text you want to loadFew readersHow do I add a formula to my favorites?
The favorites tab allows you to create for yourself a list of specific algorithms you use all the time. This allows you to clear space if you're using a specific algorithm or set of algorithms for your purposes. You can still view your overall readability grade - this is in the tab marked 'readability'. To add a formula to your favorites, simply hover over the name of the algorithm and click on the star. This will create a new tab marked with a star where all of your chosen formulFew readersWhat file types do you support?
The file types we currently support are as follows: Word doc and docx CSVs of Text or URLs PDF HTML / Web pages Plain text and rich text (rtf) Ebooks Markdown We do not currently support Google Docs, but this is something we want to support in the near future. In the meantime, it is quick and easy to score any text by selecting the 'Score Some Text' Pro tool and typing or pasting your text in the box to find out its readability scores. If you have a questFew readersCan I measure the readability of a website?
Yes, absolutely! Website readability is one of our core features. Our website scoring feature works as follows: You start by adding the domain name of the website you wish to score Our indexing tools then get to work scanning your site and finding your content pages The results are displayed to allow you to find the worst pages, in need of the most attention, and improve them If we discover any RSS feeds or sitemaps, we will use these to locate more pages from your site. WFew readersDoes Readable Detect Plagiarism or Work With Plagiarism Services?
Plagiarism Detection Readable does not offer any plagiarism detection services. We are looking at adding duplicate content detection to our web analysis tool, but that would not affect documents or text scored by ReadableEditor. Plagiarism Services Readable does not, and will not, send any content scored with the platform to any plagiarism detection services. To be clear, we do not condone plagiarism in any way, but we respect the privacy of our users and it would be completely inappFew readersIs ReadablePro an editing app?
Readable is not a word processing app. You are not able to create and edit documents, as you would with MS Word, Pages or Google Docs.Few readersHow does Slack integration work?
With our new Slack App, you can conveniently measure readability from within your Slack account. To use it, do the following: Click the "Add to Slack" button above to allow Slack and Readable( to talk to each other. Use our Slash Commands to ask Readable to measure the readability of text. Receive the readability scores for your text immediately within your Slack app! Get to work improving your content! For more information on our SlaFew readersWhat are scoring preferences and how can I change them?
To update, log onto your profile page and scroll down to the ‘scoring preferences’ section. You can amend levels, or turn off the function. Click ‘update profile’ to confirm your changes.Few readers