Dale-Chall Words List
The Dale-Chall readability formula developed by Edgar Dale and Jeanne Chall is calculated by counting difficult words in a piece of text, where those words are simply those not found on a list of common words - much like the Spache Readability Formula. Those common words are a list of words with which 80% or more of fourth-grade students are familiar. That word list has been modified over time, and the current version of the formula - the New Dale-Chall Readability Formula - uses about 3,000 wPopularWhat is the Spache Words List?
The Spache readability formula uses a set of familiar words. The text is then scored against this, with unfamiliar words decreasing readability. Spache scores are most useful for children up to grade four. Above this, the New Dale Chall formula is best for older children. The Spache word list is as follows: a able about above across act add afraid after afternoon again against ago air airplane alarm all almost alone along already also alwaysPopularOgden Basic English Words List
The Ogden Basic English Word List is a valuable asset to those teaching or learning English. The 850 Ogden words are intended to be a starting point for anyone learning English. The list is as follows: a able about account acid acros across act addition adjustment advertisement after again against agreement air all almost am among amount amusement an and angle angry animal answer ant any apparatu apparatus apple approval arePopularWhat are Lazy Words?
Lazy Words is a list of words exclusive to Readable. Our tool will highlight words people commonly fall back on. For example, instead of "they ran very fast", you could say, "they sprinted". This is both simpler and more evocative.PopularTransition Words List
These are the transition words highlighted by Readable's transition word detector: above all above accordingly across adjacent after afterward afterwards again along the edge also although analogous to and another around as a result as an illustration as well as at any rate at first at last at least at length at the bottom at the front at the left at the rear at the right at the same time at the top because before behind beloFew readers