What is the Coleman-Liau Index?
Developed in 1975 by Meri Coleman and T. L Liau, the Coleman-Liau Index is one of the most commonly used readability formulae.
Classic readability tools involve counting the number of syllables per word and per sentence. Yet, the Coleman-Liau Index doesn't count any syllables.
Coleman & Liau argued that techniques designed to estimate the number of syllables lacked accuracy.
For more information, please read our blog: Readability and the Coleman-Liau Index.
Classic readability tools involve counting the number of syllables per word and per sentence. Yet, the Coleman-Liau Index doesn't count any syllables.
Coleman & Liau argued that techniques designed to estimate the number of syllables lacked accuracy.
For more information, please read our blog: Readability and the Coleman-Liau Index.
Updated on: 03/05/2020
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